Monday, November 16, 2015

Clear a blank space for adding text

Sometimes an area of a page to which you want to add text has formatting attributes that you don't want in the additional text. The GUI makes it really hard to remove that formatting in certain situations, and editing the HTML is very tedious. This is a workaround that is less tedious.

For example, the end of a page has a codeblock with no blank line after it where you want to add more text that you don't want to be a codeblock:

Typing a blank line results in:

Type an x on that, select it, and then remove the formatting:

Replace the x with the text you want to add:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Table of contents links

The links in a table of contents are useful for pointing to a specific section. To get the link address, right click on the link and copy it.

Fix heading text formatting problems

Heading text formatting problems are usually due to extra format attributes already present in the page, or attributes inherited from copied text. To fix formatting problems with heading text:
  1. select the heading text
  2. remove formatting
  3. format with the appropriate heading level

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How to avoid blockquote formatting problems

I've seen badly formatted blockquotes like these:

Format attributes are sometimes invisible and you are surprised when you add text to a page. The remove formatting command doesn't always work after you've already added text and see formatting problems.

The easiest way to get a clean patch to start adding text is to type a couple characters and select it using left click and sweep (warning: do not use double click because it includes the line break, which will cause problems later):

Use the remove formatting tab or Format menu to select Remove formatting:

Replace the text by typing or pasting new text, and then select the new text (warning: depending on the source, you might have to paste as plain text):

Format it as Blockquote code:

And the quote looks good after pasting:

Table of contents too narrow

Every page should have a table of contents, unless it's very simple. Good instructions for how to create a table of contents are here.

The default width is 250px, which ends up wrapping text for long heading titles. Wrapped text makes the table of contents harder to read.

Clear the width to avoid text wrapping.